Pilates Personal Training All Pilates Personal Training Classes last for a duration of 1 hour in the comfort of your own home. The sessions can occur weekly, twice weekly or at whatever frequency works best with your schedule! I bring the mat, equipment and the music to each class... you just have to live in the Greater Toronto Area and be at home when I arrive! Classes are either conducted in a Private format with just you and me, or in a Semi-Private format with 2-5 friends. Both formats allow for personalized classes with exercises tailored to your needs and goals. In all classes, I will closely monitor your form and execution for safety, precision and maximum effectiveness while providing demonstrations, verbal cues and feedback.
The Benefits of Private Classes One-on-one instruction offers a completely personalized experience tailored specifically to your body and your goals. This can be especially effective for those who appreciate custom-designed classes that will really challenge their own particular abilities; alternatively, it is also a great option for anyone with physical limitations who requires extra support during exercise. Private Classes are usually the best way to create transformative results.
The Benefits of Semi-Private Classes Semi-Private Classes can contain anywhere from 2 to 5 participants who share similar goals around fitness and an interest in Pilates. It is a terrific option for mothers-and-daughters or girlfriends who want to socialize regularly each week: Who doesn’t love the idea of exercising with friends and then socializing over a delicious brunch!? Enroling in Semi-Private Classes allows each participant to benefit from personal training at a reduced rate since the cost is essentially divided equally among the participants.
Special Equipment One of the best ways to keep your body and mind working hard is to provide it with new and unexpected challenges. For this reason - and also because it’s fun - I will often incorporate a variety of special equipment into the classes. This may include use of a stability ball, foam roller, rotation disc, weights, toning circle, balance cushion or tension bands. By adding resistance or a piece of ‘unstable’ equipment, your classes will always offer something new and challenging!